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If you live within 5 miles of your work, school or shops consider riding your bike or walking a few days per week. Bonus: you don’t have to pay for or find parking and its good for your health!

May contain: person, human, bicycle, bike, vehicle, transportation, wheel, machine, and boat



Adding 20 – 30 minutes of walking or biking to your day by switching up your commute can help you be more productive at work, have more energy and be healthier.

May contain: person, human, car, automobile, transportation, vehicle, bicycle, and bike


Driving alone every day adds up.  AAA estimates that the average cost to own and operate a car is $8,698 per year.


Limiting the amount you drive can help reduce air pollution and emissions that contribute to Climate Change.  40% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by transportation.

May contain: person, human, bicycle, bike, vehicle, transportation, wheel, machine, road, tarmac, asphalt, car, and automobile