
Cut your commute costs by 50-70%! All you need is one other person.
Carpooling is the quickest and most convenient way to save on gas and reduce air pollution. Looking for someone to carpool with? Try the free and confidential Go831 RideAmigos to find a ride or be a driver for a carpool, whether you’re commuting daily to work or making a one-time trip. Use the RideAmgio Trip Tracking App to plan your carpool route. Then see your commute cost savings with the Commute Options Tool! Go831’s Emergency Ride Home program is there for you when you need it, too, and is available to anyone with a free Go831 account.
Getting started with Go831 is easy!
- Register on the Go831 Ride Amigos platform.
- Create a user profile complete with your commute preferences.
- Search for commute options and connect with other commuters to carpool to work.
Tracking your Commute
Track your commute in one of two ways to participate in rewards programs and challenges:
- Commute Tracker App (by RideAmigos)Download the free “Commute Tracker by RideAmigos” app for your iOS or Android device from the App Store or Google Play.AndroidiOSTo activate the Commute Tracker, enter your email address and the Commute Tracker Connection Code sent to you by email from Go831.Enter your home address and work address in the Commute Tracker app. Commute Tracker will automatically track every commute you make between home and work. After commuting, simply open the app and confirm your mode of travel for each trip.
- Log Trips ManuallyLogin to your account to manually log your trips for the day or week at
More Information and tips on registering on the Commute Tracker can be found Here! Or by clicking the button below.
It’s that easy!
For more carpool/vanpool information, check out:
Find a Carpool Partner through SLO Rideshare
Carpool Information from Trip Planning App Waze